Our mission is to fully implement the vision for City Centre Warwick, which:
- Creates an active and prosperous center of regional commerce that capitalizes on Warwick’s rich, multi-modal transit assets
- Significantly expands employment opportunities for Rhode Island’s diverse workforce
- Provides businesses, developers and investors with an efficient and streamlined permitting process
- Establishes a vibrant, walkable and sustainable center that’s supported by a lively, mixed-use, live and work community
- Offers visitors and business travelers exceptional and convenient transportation, lodging and entertainment options
With a cohesive identity on a local, regional and national level, City Centre Warwick and Rhode Island will attract complementary public and private investment, increasing consumer usage of transit amenities, while making the state more economically competitive in a compact Northeast market. The ultimate goal is to create quality jobs and sustainable business growth opportunities for all Rhode Islanders.
For more information about City Centre Warwick and its partners please click here or contact us below:
City Centre Warwick
c/o City of Warwick Planning Department
Physical Address:
Municipal Annex Building
65 Centerville Road
Warwick, RI 02886
Mailing Address:
City Hall Annex
3275 Post Road
Warwick, RI 02886
t: 401-738-2009
e: info@CityCentreWarwick.com