A key component of Rhode Island’s long-term, economic expansion is the development and promotion of business-ready infrastructure hubs, like City Centre Warwick, that act as a magnet for industries, businesses and jobs. Rhode Island has made it an economic development priority to create jobs and attract businesses to City Centre Warwick by capitalizing on existing intermodal infrastructure to establish a mixed-use, transit-oriented opportunity and growth center ideally situated along the high-traffic Northeast corridor that also builds a place of identity and pride for the City of Warwick and the entire state.
Federal Highway Administration grant funds have been critical to helping municipal and state agencies collaborate with local businesses and property owners to capture, shape and brand City Centre Warwick.
With the help and support of our partners and local businesses below, Rhode Island is well positioned to accelerate private-sector involvement to complement the more than $300 million in federal and state investments in planning and transportation infrastructure in City Centre Warwick, located adjacent to Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport, the InterLink intermodal commuter rail station, a Northeast Rail Corridor and two interstate highways.

Warwick is a city in Kent County, Rhode Island, United States, with a population of 82,823.

The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation's (Commerce RI) mission is to work with public, private and non-profit partners to create the conditions for businesses in all sectors to thrive and to improve the quality of life for our citizens by promoting the state's long-term economic health and prosperity.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is responsible for a diverse transportation system of more than 1,100 miles of roads and approximately 800 bridges that provide a variety of convenient, cost-effective transportation opportunities for people and the movement of goods to support economic development and improved quality of life.

Warwick delivers the development, support and cutting-edge infrastructure needed to propel companies beyond their local ambitions to infinite success. Our focus on intermodal transportation means easy access to any destination. In addition, the convergence of air, rail and interstate travel in Warwick, RI, brings unparalleled convenience to businesses on the move. Located on Narragansett Bay, the City of Warwick offers its residents a quality of life and cost of living unmatched in the region. So, if you are looking to start, expand or relocate a business, take a look at Warwick - we know how to get companies moving!

The Rhode Island Airport Corporation (RIAC) manages the state's airports, including Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport. Through our site you can search the electronic, updated version of our flight guide, check real time flight status for arrivals and departures, view our plans for the future, browse listings of area attractions, and much more. We're proud to serve Rhode Island and the New England Region. Because of you, we have a bright future ahead. We hope the information on this website will help you enjoy a comfortable, hassle-free travel experience.

The Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau is responsible for promoting Providence, Warwick and the Rhode Island Convention Center Complex as meeting and visitor destinations. We provide an array of services and travel planning assistance to visitors and conventions, all geared toward enriching your stay in our area.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) administers the majority of transportation funding allocated to Rhode Island. FHWA provided funding for transit-oriented development planning and marketing of the City Centre Warwick District, in addition to streetscape and pedestrian improvements within the heart of the District.

The Central Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce is organized to support and advance the business community in Rhode Island by providing leadership initiatives in economic and human development.